Eat more, train less?!

Let’s say you started a fat loss diet…

You were strength training, becoming stronger, feeling better, moving better, aches and pains were slowly subsiding, you had more energy, and confidence was increasing when the diet period ended.

You didn’t lose any weight, but you lost inches off your waist.

Would you be happy?

We ran a poll on our Instagram story asking this same question.

100% of people said yes.


Our nutrition client (pictured above) had trouble letting go of her attachment to the number she saw on the scale.

We’ll let this excerpt from her testimonial speak for itself 👇

"I thought that I could get rid of the extra pounds I had gained by working out more. My goal was to get back to what I thought was the "ideal weight," which was what I weighed 5 years ago.  So, I started incorporating running and barre workouts into my daily routine, on top of my Ambitious workouts, while cutting calories and drinking protein shakes instead of eating proper meals. I gained even more weight.  I started noticing more weight gain around my middle and I was just hungry, cranky, and unhappy all the time. I turned to Carmen out of desperation for help with my nutrition…

What have I learned from the nutrition program?  I have learned that dieting and excessive exercise don't work, and that starving myself and working out more is not only ineffective, it's also not sustainable. Carmen initially had me eating way more and exercising way less. He figured out that I was suffering from overtraining syndrome. What's funny is that by eating more and exercising less, the pounds started to come off and I started to lose the inches. After 4 months of participating in the nutrition program, I have lost 2 pounds overall, but gained more muscle and 4 inches off my waist. I feel great!”

If you have trouble knowing what to do to lose fat, feel more energetic, and become stronger, talk to us. Schedule a call with us and we’ll help you navigate through all of the noise and bs, and create a plan to lose the fat and keep it off forever.


How to Optimize your Training, Nutrition, Mindset, and LIFE with Jay Ferruggia


Coming at you from a new location January ’22!