Her diet journey

16 months after starting nutrition coaching with Carmen, I’ve seen myself through highs and lows, holiday seasons with multiple desserts, no rules or tracking and perfect weeks of hitting my macros & calorie goals.

I’ve lost more than 12 lbs from my COVID peak when I was stress eating, boredom drinking and avoiding some accountability. When the scale went over a certain point back in early April, I knew it was time to rein it in.

2020 has had its share of disappointments, but so many of those are completely out of our control. What is in my control, and what I didn’t want to add to that list of disappointments is my body image.

Sadly, feeling self-conscious about my body has been a part of my identity for too long. I’ve worked hard to be strong and healthy, and eat what fuels my body, and I'm practicing being comfortable and confident in my healthy body.

After a year of nutrition coaching and going through the phases of growing muscle, trimming for aesthetics, and just living life, I thought I might be able to continue on my nutrition journey on my own, but that’s when Carmen suggested Carb Cycling. It’s different that what we did last year when I was in my “aesthetics” phase, and I love it.


When you’re in a calorie deficit, trying to lose fat, sometimes it feels like you’re hungry or craving things you can’t have, but those cravings are easy to manage with carb cycling. This isn’t a dictionary definition, but essentially, every day is high protein, but you alternate a few days (usually 3) with lower carbs and higher fat macros, then a day (or two which I’m doing now) with lower fat and higher carb macros. What it does scientifically is something Carmen will explain better than I can. What I can tell you is what it does for my brain. I enjoy what I’m eating so much more because it’s OKAY TO EAT CARBS and it’s GOOD TO EAT FAT on the days where I’m supposed to.

I don’t ever feel the urge to “cheat” because I’m getting to enjoy everything, just on a cycle. All of those fresh summer fruits and vegetables, plus maybe a sweet treat, I get to have on high carb days, enjoying them with lean proteins. Then I’ll have that delicious burger, salty nuts or cheesy omelette on my higher fat days, just skipping the potatoes or bread, which you don’t miss, because you just loaded up on them on your last high carb day.

Having a qualified professional, who knows how nutrients impact your health and wellness, both mentally and physically, is the best investment I’ve ever made. It’s brought me true confidence, which helps me live out my purpose, loving this life and the people in it more fully.

- Susie W.

👉 If you’re sick of staring over, eliminating your favorite foods from your diet, feeling like you’ve failed too many times, and are looking for someone to listen to you, eliminate the guesswork for you, and help you make progress, go here and message us.

Carmen Sturniolo

Fueled by a healthy and creative lifestyle, I help others simplify and develop their own sustainable health and fitness lifestyle by eliminating the guesswork for them. 

Owner of Ambitious Athletics, BA from Penn State University 2006, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Precision Nutrition Level 2, National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer + Corrective Exercise Specialist, TRX Certified. 

Washington, DC. 



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